This is part two of our three part series on Facebook Advertising for Beginners. For part one of our series, read Facebook Advertising For Beginners, Part 1: Research and Setup.

With the right design, execution, and management, Facebook Advertising can be a cost-effective and fruitful way to market your business to the right audience at the right time, and reach the people who are most likely to convert. However, Facebook ads only serve to catch the attention of the Facebook user to get them to click; the action a user takes after they click is what determines whether or not they convert. The advice we outline in this blog will help you turn those clicks into conversions.

Create A Landing Page

When a viewer clicks your ad, one of the best ways to hold their attention is to take them to a well-designed landing page. A Landing Page is a standalone web page with a focused sales pitch that is designed to prompt a visitor to take action. Landing pages do not contain a navigation bar that could distract the consumer, and they don’t require or allow the visitor to click around to search for what they want; instead, they are dedicated entirely to one specific call to action.

When you design a landing page, it’s important to make sure that the creative branding of your ad matches the creative branding of your landing page, so visitors don’t feel like they got the bait-and-switch. Use the same images and colors, and make the call to action on the landing page clear and consistent with the messaging of the ad.

  • If you’re advertising a retail item: The goal of the landing page should be to buy that item.
  • If you’re advertising a downloadable PDF for lead generation: The goal of the landing page should be to enter personal information to download the PDF.
  • If you’re advertising a webinar: The goal of the landing page should be to register for the webinar.
  • If you’re advertising a service: The goal of the landing page should be to contact the company to receive more information.

By sending visitors to a landing page instead of your website, you are ensuring that the visitor stays focused on the goal, instead of losing focus while browsing your site. Create a clear call to action to compel a visitor to do what you want them to.

Landing Page Structure

When you’re designing a landing page, make sure you’re keeping your target audience at top of mind. Use imagery and language that is natural to that audience. Consider also if you’re selling your product directly to consumers (B2C) or other businesses (B2B). Both can have successful Facebook Ad campaigns with very different and specialized advertising techniques.

  • B2B: Use language that’s more informative and professional. Use clean, professional imagery, and use industry-specific language.
  • B2C: Use language that’s more casual and clever. Get creative with the imagery and messaging and feel free to use minimal slang if it suits your product.

For more on building a landing page, read our previous blog: How To Design And Optimize An Effective Landing Page.

Find Your Audience 

Facebook makes it easy for you to set up an audience for your ad campaign. You can find your Facebook audience based on the variables listed below. You can mix and match these options, using all or some of the variables to help you narrow your target audience.

  • Location: Target people based on their physical location. You can make your audience as broad as “worldwide”, and as narrow as “zip code”.
  • Age: Tell Facebook to show your ads only to a specific age range.
  • Gender: Only target to users that identify as “Men”, “Women”, or target all genders.
  • Languages: Show ads to users that speak specific languages.
  • Detailed Targeting: Include or exclude people in specific audiences based on detailed behaviors such as what they share on their timelines, apps they use, ads they click, pages they ‘like’, purchase history, travel behaviors, even the mobile device they use.
  • Connections: Include or exclude people based on how they’re connected to your business. They may be connected because they’ve engaged with your page before, or because they’re friends with someone who has connected with your page.
  • Custom Audiences: These are custom sets of people you already know based on information you give to Facebook. You can use information gained from:

    • Facebook Pixels: By inserting a tracking code in the header of your website, you can get analytics insight by tracking the actions of visitors on your website.
    • Engagement on Facebook: People who have engaged with your content or page on Facebook or Instagram.
    • Customer Lists: You can target/retarget a list of your existing, current customers by uploading a customer list.

Lookalike Audience

One of the best custom Facebook audience finding features is the Lookalike Audience. At Fujisan, we utilize the Lookalike Audience feature to help companies grow their audience to other relevant audience pools. The Lookalike Audience feature helps companies find a new audience to market to based on their similarities to current customers. With the Lookalike Audience, you can use one of your email marketing lists to help you find new clients; here’s how:

The account manager of the Facebook Ad campaign uploads an email list of current customers and targets it as a Lookalike Audience. Facebook then scans their user accounts to find the account profiles associated with the email addresses. Facebook assesses the demographic information of those users (age, gender, likes, hobbies, location, etc.) and finds other profiles that are similar. This gives the account manager a brand new selection of similar users to target through Facebook Ads.

When designing a Facebook Ad campaign, it is imperative to get your ads out in front of the right audience and to direct your audience to a focused, dedicated landing page with consistent messaging and a clear call to action. For information on optimizing your Facebook Ad campaign, read the next blog in our series: Facebook Advertising For Beginners Part 3: Optimizing Your Facebook Ad Campaign. If you missed it, catch up on the first blog in our series, Facebook Advertising For Beginners, Part 1: Research And Set Up

If you would like to learn more about how Fujisan can help you build a successful Facebook Advertising campaign, contact us.

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